I’ve always been known to have a long, healthy, head full of
permed hair. I was anti-natural (lol). I would tease and say that some girls
head be looking like brillo (the thing that you use to scrub dishes). In fact… I
would hear girls saying “I’m going natural” and I would think to myself, “that
ain’t for everybody”.
And then it happened; I moved to Tampa Florida, where perms
cost $65, washes cost $35 and I was a broke college student hustling my way
through. Forgetting that I was no longer in the beautiful Turks and Caicos
where water from the tap is soft and drinkable, I decided to take care of my
hair at home. #Epic fail. My hair was not use to the hard water and my hair
quickly disappeared from back length to neck length.
Ahhhh!!! What to do? What to do? Did I mention that I am IN
LOVE with LONG HAIR! I decided to ignore it and the hair just kept on dropping.
Finally; I put my foot down and said girl you got to do something. So I decided
to do the unthinkable!!! Oh no, I’m gonna be a brillo head! L I transitioned for a
total of 9 months and I was loving what I was seeing, my hair was BEAUTIFUL,
not the straightest, not the curliest, but it was my OWN hair and it was
But the two textures of natural and permed hair were
whooping my butt! What to do? What to do? Someone suggested TEXTURIZING (Dunt,
dunt, dunnnn). So I found myself at a Dominican salon sitting in the chair
sweating like a hooker in church, asking ONE question over and over and getting
different responses from everybody, “How long will it take to grow out?” “Oh 5 month” another “No no, 1 month” another
“No worry, ju’ll be fine”. Well I came out of that chair and my hair was BONE
STRAIGHT! All of my 9 month new growth was history!!! I cried and ran to my
hairapist, Ida’s child herself and mourned over my lost progress. She told me
to be encouraged and to continue on.
Well I did, I let my hair grow out for a mere 4 months and
decided to grow a pair! BIG CHOP DATE: September 9th, 2012. OMG, I’m
worst than a brillo chick! I’m bald headed!!! I’m a chicken head, Ahh!!!!!!
Sent my hairapist (Ida’s child) a pic and she said “Girl you rocking that TWA”.
I felt a little encouraged to continue on but I braided for a month out of
It has now been 6
months since I made the BEST decision in my life, my hair is already back at shoulder
length when stretched (I have major shrinkage). I am not just the owner of
natural hair, but I am NATURALLY pretty, NATURALLY beautiful and NATURALLY ME.